Welcome to Writing Quests
It is with pleasure that we announce the unveiling of our Writing Quests Framework and Community.
During a period of uncertainty, the Writing Quest Framework came about as former Municipal Liaisons from NaNoWriMo gathered together to pass on their experience on prepping, running, and finishing writing challenges and events. This community is chock-full of leaders in their communities, some who have decades of knowledge to pass on, but wanted to continue to build their communities and push each other creatively. Thus, Writing Quests and The Framework was born.
But what is the Writing Quest Framework? The Framework consists of rules, guidelines, and supporting assets (such as trackers and virtual badges) to support writing groups and communities who would like to host their own Writing Quests. The people that host the Writing Quests are called Guides. They will help creatives through the process of setting goals, prepping for the quests, and provide encouragement during the event.
Not only are we announcing the new website and Framework, we are opening up for beta users to test out our Framework in July and August to prepare for the big October Event. If you are interested in being a Guide for a July/ August Quest, send an email to info@writingquests.org
The Writing Quests Blog will feature quests, events, press releases, calls for help for future enhancements, community blog posts, plus changes and developments as the Writing Quests Framework is tweaked from user input. If you want to be a blog featured writer, set up an account on github and send an email to info@writingquests.org to be set up. We also have a Writing Quests Newsletter which will feature quests, events, writing advice and ideas, and more.
Check out our FAQ for more information and welcome to the community!