Writing Quests

Writing Quests FAQ

Let’s answer some questions about Writing Quests.

What is Writing Quests?

Writing Quests is

  • An Association of leaders of writing communities around the globe, most of whom were inspired by the original National Novel Writing Month (aka NaNoWriMo) and the concept created by Chris Baty–motivating writers everywhere to accomplish their dreams and write their novels while having fun doing it in the community of fellow writers.
  • A Framework of rules, guidelines, and supporting assets (such as trackers and virtual badges) to support writing groups and communities who would like to host their own writing quests.
  • An organization promoting creativity and the love of writing through the facilitation of quests to motivate writers.

Who is Writing Quests for? How is it used?

Writing Quests is primarily for the organizers of writing groups and writing communities who seek to host a writing challenge. We are providing the rule framework and necessary supporting pieces to hosts to make it easier and more fulfilling for them and their groups to enjoy a better writing challenge experience.

To that effect, we will provide:

  • A flexible rules generator to allow hosts to customize their writing challenge (or quest as we call it)
  • A guide for hosts that is built up from years of experience from former NaNoWriMo Municipal Liaisons
  • Graphical assets such as inspirational badges (which will play a bigger motivational role in the WQ framework)
  • A tracker for the progress of the quest participant.

What Writing Quests is not

Writing Quests (WQ) is not NaNoWriMo and has no aspirations to replace NaNoWriMo, even though WQ is NaNo-compatible. WQ has no large central organization and has no intentions to seek out non-profit status or to apply for financial grants. WQ provides the Framework to enable others to host their own Quests.

What does NaNo-compatible mean?

Although WQ has several differences from NaNoWriMo, guides can choose start and end dates, along with word count tracking, to have a local Writing Quest that aligns with NaNoWriMo participation.

Why are you doing this?

We love writing; and we’ve seen the joy that comes from helping writing challenge participants complete their novel drafts. Properly done, socially-enabled writing quests can be tremendously fulfilling experiences. We want to draw upon our experiences to make these challenges more widely accessible to potential participants.

What values do you hold?

Writing Quests aims to facilitate communities worldwide in setting out on a shared adventure of creativity, discovery, and support.

There is nothing more human than telling a story. Stories define cultures, give us identity, explain the world to us, and help us make sense of our experiences. They can capture us, trap us, or transform us. In light of their power, Writing Quests aims to enable every person to find their voice and tell their own story.

While we believe humans can achieve amazing things independently, we can achieve even more if we work together. A writer does not need to be alone at their desk. We embrace and encourage communities of openness, plurality, and diversity. We believe any form of creativity needs an inclusive and accepting environment to grow and shine. We can all achieve so much more when we support each other.

This framework aims to tell stories of love and loss, injustice, success and failure, beginnings and endings, and hope and despair. It also includes stories of humans, monsters, cyborgs, aliens, animals, and angels. Sad stories, happy stories, tragic stories, and comical stories—any story is worth telling, and every writer deserves a community to support them in their quest.

What are quests?

This is the Writing Quests term for a writing challenge.

Why did you choose this term?

It seemed appropriate for what we (and the actual Quest host) are offering: there is an objective (e.g., 50,000+ word novel draft in 30 days or 50 hours of editing in a month) that many participants share (many people can share the same Quest) but there is also an individual aspect to it–each participant embarks on their own individual Quest and experiences their own journey.

Note: you don’t have to be into fantasy or historical adventures or role playing games to participate in a writing quest.

Can anyone create/host a Writing Quest?

Yes. The Writing Quest Framework is available for all to use.

How do I create a Writing Quest?

Step One: Read our Write Recipe Book (coming soon) to learn how to prepare for a Quest.

Step Two: Use our graphics to create promotional material.

Step Three: Promote your Quest. Share your Quest via social media.

Step Four: Contact us to add your Event to the Quests page.

Important note: we are intending to be usable November 2024.

What is the Writing Quest Framework?

A Framework includes rules, guidelines, and supporting assets (such as trackers and virtual badges) to support writing groups and communities who would like to host their own Writing Quests. Read more about our Rules, Write Recipe book, and Assets.

Is Writing Quests associated with NaNoWriMo?

No, although most of the WQ creators formerly were NaNoWriMo Municipal Liaison volunteers.

Can other creatives make or join a Quest?

Yes! There are alternate metrics that might be more appropriate to use for tracking progress (e.g., hours spent) if you are, for instance, creating graphical artwork or writing individual poems.

Do the Writing Quests get reviewed or approved by anyone?

WQ reviews the usage data for its Framework and will, if the host opts in, list pointers on the writingquests.org site to the hosted quest if appropriate.

No formal review/approval is required to use the Writing Quests Framework.

What do you get when you win a quest?

Mostly it’s about the joy of completing your novel draft/editing goal and the satisfaction of appreciating what you’ve created. There’s something also to be said about the friends you’ve made along the way.

WQ also provides virtual badges and certificates.

How much does it cost to join/host?

Absolutely nothing. Use of Writing Quests is free for everyone.

What are badges for?

These are motivational aids, awarded for achieving different milestones in the pursuit of a quest objective.

How can I find quests in my area?

We are planning to add a directory on our website where planned and in-progress quests will be linked. There will also be a calendar in the directory where you can see in progress events from other groups.

I don't write in English, can I still join?

Yes! While we are continuing to add internationalization support to our materials, our intention is to serve all interested writing communities globally.


Due to changes in the leadership and policies of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), the Municipal Liaison volunteers from many NaNoWriMo regions decided to leave the organization. Our writing communities still enjoy a NaNo-style challenge, but several no longer wish to do NaNoWriMo. We collectively decided to put together our own framework for hosting an annual writing challenge. As we have gone through this exercise, it has grown clear to us that

  • There are a number of improvements we can make over what NaNoWriMo provides (e.g., some additional motivations for participants)
  • Some of the partner organizations for our writing communities (e.g., libraries) want to continue working with the NaNoWriMo Come Write In program but also strongly want to continue their association with our writing communities. Thus, it is imperative that the Writing Quests Framework be NaNo-compatible even as it is something new.
  • There are some current MLs for NaNoWriMo regions who would benefit from using the Writing Quests Framework in their efforts to put on local programming for NaNoWriMo.

We have moved forward in building collaboratively the framework and shared assets that would be the most helpful for writing community leaders in hosting their own writing challenges.