Writing Quests

Writing Quests Data Privacy

Writing Quests Data Privacy

At Writing Quests, we understand that it is important to store our data safely. This policy defines the types of data we maintain and discusses the systems we use to protect it.

Internal Data

Internal data is information that is under Writing Quests’s direct control. This includes our web site and all directly related information, as well as our membership list and contact information.


  • Internal data is kept in our google drives. There is a primary google drive that is used for collaboration to produce the Writing Quest Framework and supporting materials; this drive is open to all Writing Quest Members and Associates. Members are the principal contributors to the WQ Framework; Associates are the secondary contributors (Members annually nominate and vote in new, qualified Members from the Associates). The second google drive is used to store the collected data that has contact information from WQ forms such as the form to request volunteers. This second drive is only accessible to the specific Member volunteers who specifically need access to this information to support the purpose of the form.
  • These google drives are secured via google drive mechanisms (https and existing google access controls).
Use case Data Where stored Who can access
Contributors Agreement Private data includes contact information (to allow WQ to contact Contributors about their contributions) Writing Quests google drive for Contributor Agreements + google group archive this is accessible only to the volunteers who process and store the Contributor Agreement forms and who build and maintain the public list of Contributors.
Contributors Agreement Public data includes the list of Contributors to WQ (who have agreed to the Contributors Agreement terms, including the sharing of certain information like their public name in this list of Contributors) writingquests.org website public page Any visitor to writingquests.org
Writing Communities membership info E-mail address and name In writing-communities google group (general list) + specific opt-in Writing Quests google groups. There is also a Writing Communities google spreadsheet Members of the e-mail list will be able to see the list of members and their e-mail addresses. All writing communities members have access to the writing communities google drive and this spreadsheet
  • Our data storage and use is in compliance with GDPR in these ways:
    • Those who contribute information to Writing Quests can request at any time to know if Writing Quests have any personal data about them stored and to receive a copy of this data. If any of the stored data is wrong, they have the right to request that the error be corrected.
    • The basis for processing is specified in WQ forms that request data: §6 1 a: “the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes”


  • Contributors’ private and public information will be kept until requested by the specific Contributor to delete it.
  • After this time, it will be reviewed and deleted by the WQ volunteers who monitor the secretary@writingquests.org e-mail list and who build and maintain the Contributors list.
  • If someone wishes to have data deleted prior to the above deadline, they can send a request to secretary@writingquests.org.

External Data

External data is any information that is held by other services, such as Discord, X, and Facebook. Writing Quests does not have direct control over this information. As such, this data is not Writing Quests’s responsibility to maintain or delete, and the policies of the other services will apply.